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Writer's pictureJulie Cowie

Installation details

As we work around the community, we're learning that no two installs are alike. Here's what to expect when we stop by in response to your inquiry.

Some of us remember the first iteration of wireless internet service many years ago. Someone pointed equipment to a distant radio and hoped for a good connection (until the trees leafed out).

Tools make it better

“Binoculars, a drone, and a lift.”

We have been happy to use a couple of tools that make things easier. One is relatively low tech--binoculars. And beyond that, a drone and a lift. The drone allows us to take a video of your site's view of the tower. Later we can review the video to figure out just how good your sight line is. We also use a lift that helps us calculate just how high of an antenna or tower you might need for a consistently uncluttered, and solid, wireless internet connection.

Flexibility helps

As we walk around your property, we may discover breaks in tree cover that allow for a connection not obvious from software mapping. It might also mean you can be a Good Neighbor to someone with lots of trees and a difficult view of the tower. We appreciate your openness as we all work together to create better internet connections using wireless technology.

Exploring possibilities with you

A bracket on the house or roof is our favorite thing.”

When you contact us, we'll schedule a site visit. While on site, we will talk with you about the kind of connection point that will work. Simple is good, and a bracket on the house or roof is our favorite thing. As we visit homes, we see that a small tower may be the answer for some. We will show you pictures of options and explore where to locate a tower. We are able to buy towers in a variety of heights and heft. We seek to deliver a truly customized solution.

Thanks for entrusting your home's internet service to Rural Gig LLC. We are seeking to make our community well connected to 21st century technologies.


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